Divine Blessings Memberships

Divine Blessings from Enlightened Master Dahryn Trivedi are the fastest way to empower your soul, raise your consciousness, improve your well-being, and transform your life. 
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Divine Blessings From Dahryn
through Divine Connection International

Divine Connection International is a nonprofit organization through which Dahryn Trivedi offers her Divine Blessings. Its mission is to usher in a new era that integrates science, religion and spirituality to vastly improve the human condition and benefit humanity on a global scale. A major component of this mission is connecting individuals to the God of their understanding and elevating consciousness through scientifically validated Divine Blessings from Enlightened Masters so people can experience more success, happiness and a better quality of life..

Dahryn, alongside her Enlightened guru and husband, Guruji Mahendra Trivedi, offer a wide variety of Divine Blessings membership programs through Divine Connection International so everyone can experience the transformative benefits of a deeper connection to the God of their understanding, no matter their circumstance or need.

Moreover, Divine Connection International has also developed Divine Blessings membership programs that are geared towards adults, children, pets and those on the path to Enlightenment to cater to the specific goals, requirements, and potential of different types of recipients.

Gifting a Divine Blessings membership is also possible through Divine Connection International. There is no greater gift than sharing the peace, beauty and bliss of Divine Grace with family, friends and other loved ones.

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Hundreds of thousands of people worldwide have experienced  extraordinary transformation through Divine Blessings for over 25 years.  

Divine Blessings are a scientifically proven phenomenon discovered by Guruji Mahendra Trivedi in which an Enlightened Being is able to transform living organisms at the cellular level and non-living materials at the atomic level through his/her Divine Blessing or thought intention. In other words, their characters, behavior, potential, and destiny are rewritten for the recipient’s highest benefit.

Dahryn Trivedi is an Enlightened Being whose Enlightened Consciousness has been tested, measured and validated through rigorous science experiments with trained, esteemed scientists in controlled settings at prestigious universities and research institutes worldwide. 

The extraordinary results have been published in peer-reviewed science journals, showcasing the profound impact of her Divine Blessings on living organisms, nonliving materials and people’s lives.

People who have received Dahryn’s Divine Blessings report experiencing better mental and emotional health, increased energy, inspiration, enthusiasm, motivation, confidence, willpower, focus, positive perception, and the discovery of their life’s purpose.  

Recipients also report experiencing accelerated personal and spiritual growth, deeper and more meaningful relationships, professional advancement, and access to a previously undiscovered dimension of well-being, which helps them appreciate and enjoy greater freedom, peace and happiness in their lives. 

Why a Blessings
Membership Program?

A great way to think about a Divine Blessings membership is in the context of having fertile soil for a garden.

It all comes down to this: do you prefer to plant your seeds in rich, fertile soil, or would you rather struggle with rocky, barren ground? That’s the difference between having a deep connection to the God of your understanding through Divine Blessings and your current state of existence and quality of life.

Now let’s consider the difference between having fertile soil for just one planting season versus once a year, once every few months, or every day of your life. Of course, having fertile soil for just one season can lead to a bountiful harvest—especially if you’ve been struggling to grow anything at all. That experience would be eye-opening and deeply rewarding. But being able to plant your seeds in fertile soil year after year allows you to cultivate a garden that flourishes. It gives you the opportunity to not just grow but to thrive, producing fruits and flowers that enrich your life and the lives of others.

Imagine the abundance and beauty that would come from a garden that continually yields more than enough. Imagine not being held back by poor conditions, because you have the perfect environment for growth. Imagine how much more you could create and enjoy because your garden is always thriving. It’s a new life. And that’s the difference between having a Divine Blessings membership and not having one.

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Empowering the soul through raising consciousness is the foundation of our lives; it creates a medium by which all things come forth from, manifesting into our lives a bounty of good health, wellness, prosperity, relationships, purpose, success, happiness, peace, and all good things that will assist us in creating a life we love. Peace and joy is the nature of the soul, so when that is empowered, everything in our lives aligns with this nature and manifests.

Transformation is not a single event; it is a journey of ongoing progression, cultivation, and evolution. And a deeper connection to the God of your understanding through a Divine Blessings membership is the fastest way to get there.

The Importance of Community

If you are reading this right now, changes are you are a seeker of Truth, whether you realize it or not.

You might call it by different names—maybe it’s a search for God, a search for your true self, a search for real knowledge, or a search for purpose in this world. Whatever you call it, this quest has led you here.

A search for Truth is not always easy. It takes great courage. Not only does the path make you face hard Truths about the world we live in, but more importantly, it makes you face hard Truths about yourself – who you thought you were, the nature of your reality, and the parts of you that hold you back from seeing the light. Of course, this struggle ultimately becomes the greatest gift in the world. This is where true transformation takes place.

The poet, Rumi said it best:
“The wound is the place where
the Light enters you.”

Group 47727
During this journey, it is essential to recognize the importance of your environment. We seek retreats, vacations, workshops, and classrooms because environment is stronger than willpower.

Even with the best intentions, the distractions and pressures of the world can easily pull us away from our quest for Truth and transformation. This is where our associations and communities play a vital role in our growth. When like-minded people come together and we witness each other’s growth and aspirations, it fosters a supportive and understanding environment where the qualities we wish to cultivate can flourish.

This principle is at the heart of a Divine Connection membership. It’s not just about personal growth; it’s about growing together with others who share your vision and values. During this journey, it can provide deep comfort to know that there are others on the path with you who understand what you are going through—people you can connect with on a soul level, who recognize who you truly are, no matter what is happening around you. This connection can often make all the difference in the world when you are on the path. The pursuit of Truth is not meant to be a lonely one.

Loneliness is one of the most profound challenges many face on the spiritual path. In a world that often feels disconnected and isolated, the absence of deep, meaningful connections can make the journey seem overwhelming. But it doesn’t have to be this way. 

A Divine Connection membership offers more than just a community; it offers a remedy to loneliness. It provides you with the opportunity to connect with others who share your spiritual aspirations, creating bonds that transcend the superficial and reach into the depths of your soul. Through this connection, you find that you are part of a greater whole, a collective of seekers on a unified mission to support and uplift each other on the path. Together, you can connect with people who have the enthusiasm, inspiration, and motivation to fulfill their potential, accomplish their dreams, and achieve success. This shared journey not only transforms individual destinies, but also contributes to the collective well-being of the community and humanity as a whole.

A Divine Connection membership offers you the opportunity to unlock your full potential, elevate your destiny, and receive the warmth and support of fellow members across the globe. By joining this community, you are not only nurturing your own spiritual growth but also contributing to a collective environment that fosters transformation and the pursuit of higher truths. Together, you can create a life where the pursuit of Truth is supported, celebrated, and realized in a community that reflects the true nature of your journey. And most importantly, in this journey, you will discover that you are never truly alone.

The Power of Dahryn's Divine Blessings

Linda Stern's journey to peace with Guruji's Divine Blessings.
-Linda S. | United States
Inthirani's life-journey empowered by Guruji's Divine Blessings.
-Inthirani A. | Canada
Guruji Mahendra Trivedi saved my life.
-Zhanna R. | United States
Vicki finds her life purpose through Guruji.
-Vicki K. | United States
How Guruji's Blessings transformed Dr. Mark Walcutt's life?
-Mark W. | United States
Karen's 10-year journey of joy, trust and overall transformation.
-Karen S. | United States
Grateful to be here. It's always a Divine Experience in totality.
Listening to Dahyrn speech she back track us to the time of her initial exposure to The Trivedi Effect and reminded us her perceptions and emotions which is millions of world in comparison to when she started. She is so advance. It is almost comparable to an acre of land transmuted into a Huge Galaxy. The whole transformation itself is an attestation to GOD Divine Grace and through our Beloved Guruji.
Grateful to be here. It's always a Divine Experience in totality. Listening to Dahryn speech she backtrack us to the time of her initial exposure to The Trivedi Effect and reminded us her perceptions and emotions which is millions of world in comparison to when she started. She is so advance .It is almost comparable to an acre of land transmuted into a Huge Galaxy. The whole transformation itself is an attestation to GOD Divine Grace and through our Beloved Guruji.  Dennille S.
Dennille S.
FROM: United States
Happy Guru Purnima
Dearest Beloved Guruji: Your presence on this planet is our precious gift from Divine You are my Light to follow. I celebrate YOU today and everyday with connection to Divine. In Reverence
Dearest Beloved Guruji: Your presence on this planet is our precious gift from Divine. You are my Light to follow. I celebrate YOU today and everyday with connection to Divine. In Reverence, Charlene Gilman
Charlene G.
FROM: United States
We are truly fortunate to be blessed by you, and we are eternally grateful to The Divine for you in our lives and in the world.
Dear Beloved Guruji, I am writing to express my deepest gratitude for your generous gift of the additional Fire Ceremony as a bonus of the Path to Your Enlightenment, Program A, as well as your very generous gift of also including Christoph in this additional Fire Ceremony. Your mention of both my and Christoph's reversal of aging and good skin at the recent Fire Ceremonies is a blessing, in itself. We are grateful for all of profound benefits of the Fire Ceremonies and the Enhancement and Enlightenment Programs. It has eased my life and Christoph's, significantly, to have Christoph speaking, some. We are both deeply grateful for all of your benevolence, kindness and caring have brought to our lives, our happiness, and our fulfillment. We are truly fortunate to be blessed by you, and we are eternally grateful to The Divine for you in our lives and in the world. All love and gratitude, Laura
Laura S.
FROM: United States
Happy New Year
As the New Year open it eyes I wish to Express my gratitude to God and loving mercies. Grateful to God for you Guruji and the gifts in you for without you I would not be here and allowing us to be in your presence. Giving thanks for Guruji Divine Qualities. Grateful for the growth of The Trivedi Effect and I am a To express gratitude for the journey with my spiritual family. Although there were challenges in 2022 there are many things I am thankful for, including Life. This is the greatest gift and privilege. The Creator whose loving mercies brought me in existence, the existential Beauty of Nature and its synchronicity in function and admire Divine intelligence in its Construct. One can see and feel hear the Love from Divine in all Creation I am forever grateful I am grateful for my, Truth never ending possibilities in growth some that has not broach our thoughts. Thankful for this moment
As the New Year open it eyes I wish to Express my gratitude to God and loving mercies. Grateful to God for you Guruji and the gifts in you for without you I would not be here and allowing us to be in your presence. Giving thanks for Guruji Divine Qualities. Grateful for the growth of The Trivedi Effect and I am a To express gratitude for the journey with my spiritual family. Although there were challenges in 2022 there are many things I am thankful for, including Life. This is the greatest gift and privilege. The Creator whose loving mercies brought me in existence, the existential Beauty of Nature and its synchronicity in function and admire Divine intelligence in its Construct. One can see and feel hear the Love from Divine in all Creation I am forever grateful I am grateful for my, Truth never ending possibilities in growth some that has not broach our thoughts. Thankful for this moment Dennille S.
Dennille S.
FROM: United States
I am grateful to have had the privilege to experience all the facebook posts and instagram posts, of Beloved Guruji, Alice and Dahryn it filled me with so much joy to see all the photos and messages of truth, divine wisdom on each of them. Not a day passes where you are not in my thoughts for all you have gifted my life with.
Dear client services, I am writing to exress how grateful, privileged and fortunate I feel for the blessed opportunity to be invited to the one day webcast this weekend! The discourse by our Beloved Guruji and recap by Beloved Master Alice and Beloved Master Dahryn's message were a gift. Beloved Alice is looking even more youthful from the last time I saw her, radiant and speaks with so much eloquence and flow and is captivating. When Beloved Dahryn speaks she too is so captivating and speaks with confidence, sensitivity and with an emotion filled expression that is emitted through her voice and words with grace, flow and eloquance. Her talk about true wellness and happiness and live a life that is free, honest, exciting and worth living agian much like a child who has no fear and trusts that everything is looked after. That happiness does not have an end point and that there is a deeper level. I am grateful to have had the priveledge to experience all the facebook posts and instagram posts, of Beloved Guruji, Alice and Dahryn it filled me with so much joy to see all the photos and messages of truth, divine wisdom on each of them. Not a day passes where you are not in my thoughts for all you have gifted my life with. To give you a little bit of an update. With divine guidance my work environment has been transformed the coordinator I work under is so much more calmer, understanding and kinder. I know it is because of Divine Connection/Trivedi Effect in my life. I recall as a young child how inspired I felt to learn and loved being creative and watched shows like World Vision and every telethon that was on TV. I have overcome the injury from the fall I had in January 2021 and am so motivated and have this inner drive to implement the knowledge I have been gifted with and implementing it into my life. So many opportunities are consistantly coming to me since i was led to meet Forbes Riley. She has a system where she keeps me accountable in taking action in my life and she does not pamper. I am grateful I have been led to her because it motivates me to do more and grow by looking within and finding the answers and to be around other like minded women who also wanting to grow and become the best version of themselves. I am learning so many skills that I never had before. After doing Media Mastery with Forbes Riley I felt even more inspired and motivated and was offered the opportunity to step into a leadership role as the Vancouver Chapter President for the Women of Global Change by Dr. Dame Shellie Hunt who is the founder of WGC. They have Chapters around the world. My heart since I was young child was to help orphaned children and has always lived with me over the years. This is why I do the work I do for the past 34 years with the special needs population some whom are elderly within the same organization. Many of the people I support are adults but many do not have family. The people I have worked with and cared for are like family to me. With divine grace in my life I have taken on a larger role within our community where the Vancouver Women of Global Change is partnering with an organziation called Camp Choice where our mission is to help low income children and children in the foster care system and who are in the adoption process to live empowered lives. I am presently looking for board members and am seeking service projects for our members to particiapte and am slowly learning how to step into this role to create educational opportunites and leave a greater impact within our community for our youth, their families and their networks. My life of purpose has become so much clearer on this path of self discovery and would not have been possible without you in my life Beloved Guruji, Beloved Dahryn, and Beloved Alice without your care, devotion for betterment of humanity and all you sacrifice for all of us. It is always at the forefront of my actions, reactions and everyday behaviour. There are no words to express how grateful I feel for being led on the path my spriit is being led on and for the opportunites to become even more productive and to be more responsible. Magesh is also doing well. He is attempting to get his drivers licence for the 3rd time now this coming Friday. He failed the last 2 times which were great opportunities for him to practice more. He is very resourceful and has a few friends who go out with him in his late grandfather's car so he can practice. He has almost finished his third year in the University of British Columbia where he is doing his Bachleor of Arts and is majoring in political science. He has also been seeking to find summer work in this arena. He did have an interview last week with the BC Transit company after a friend of his gave him a referral to get some work expereince. Magesh has still not heard back. He has expressed he will continue to look for some work expereince within the his field of study to implement his knowledge. Health wise he has been doing much better. There was awhile where Magesh was getting colds and viruses frequently but he has been doing much better the last several months. Thank you so much for all you do! With deepest gratitude and heart felt appreciation! Warmest regards, Inthirani Arul
Inthirani A.
FROM: Canada
Grateful to be here. It's always a Divine Experience in totality.
Listening to Dahyrn speech she back track us to the time of her initial exposure to The Trivedi Effect and reminded us her perceptions and emotions which is millions of world in comparison to when she started. She is so advance. It is almost comparable to an acre of land transmuted into a Huge Galaxy. The whole transformation itself is an attestation to GOD Divine Grace and through our Beloved Guruji.
Grateful to be here. It's always a Divine Experience in totality. Listening to Dahryn speech she backtrack us to the time of her initial exposure to The Trivedi Effect and reminded us her perceptions and emotions which is millions of world in comparison to when she started. She is so advance .It is almost comparable to an acre of land transmuted into a Huge Galaxy. The whole transformation itself is an attestation to GOD Divine Grace and through our Beloved Guruji.  Dennille S.
Dennille S.
FROM: United States

Adult Remote Blessing Memberships

Divine Connection International provides a variety of membership options for adult recipients seeking Dahryn’s Divine Blessings. Every membership is for your growth and better quality of life. You can select the program that best aligns with your expectations and unique needs.







Children's Remote Blessing Memberships

All the benefits of the Adults’ Daily Divine Blessings program are available to children with permission from a parent or guardian.

Children are highly receptive to Divine Energy. During the fundamental years of growth and development, the best thing you can do for your child is establish a strong foundation of Divine nurturing so that their current and future lives are ones of independence, success, stability and happiness. Divine Connection through these Divine Blessings has the incredible capability to strengthen the bonds between parents, children and family, creating a beautiful and harmonious family atmosphere.

Pet Remote Blessing Memberships

Dahryn’s Divine Blessings are recognized for their beneficial impact on pets. Just like humans, animals are sensitive and can face a range of issues. This Divine Blessing has been associated with enhanced well-being in pets.

Pet owners, who deeply care for their animals and aim for their optimum quality of life, have observed improved health, mood, and vitality in their companions after receiving Divine Blessings, bringing joy and happiness to the entire family.

Path to Enlightenment Memberships

Salvation. Liberation. Heaven on Earth. There is no greater purpose in life than your own Enlightenment. This program is the fastest route for personal, professional, and spiritual growth that exists on this planet – with Divine Blessings, Fire Ceremonies and Divine wisdom from not just one, but two Enlightened Masters: Dahryn and her Enlightened guru and husband, Guruji Mahendra Trivedi.

This is for you if you want to reach your optimal potential and know accomplishment in its greatest sense. This is for you if you want to experience the beauty of life and eternal peace in every moment. This is for you if you want ultimate freedom and Truth.

Experience profound transformation


Elevate well-being, enhance perception, and fast-track personal and professional
growth for genuine peace, freedom, and happiness. Create a life you love.
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