Materials Science

Physical, Thermal and Spectroscopic Studies on Biofield Treated p-Dichlorobenzene

Written by Trivedi Effect | Aug 24, 2015 4:00:00 AM

Journal: Biochemistry & Analytical Biochemistry PDF  

Published: 24-Aug-15 Volume: 4 Issue: 4

DOI: 10.4172/2161-1009.1000204 ISSN: 2161-1009

Authors: Mahendra Kumar Trivedi , Alice Branton , Dahryn Trivedi , Gopal Nayak , Ragini Singh and Snehasis Jana *

Citation: Trivedi MK, Branton A, Trivedi D, Nayak G, Singh R, et al. (2015) Physical, Thermal and Spectroscopic Studies on Biofield Treated p-Dichlorobenzene. Biochem Anal Biochem 4: 204. doi:10.4172/2161-1009.1000204


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Para-dichlorobenzene (p-DCB) is widely used as a chemical intermediate in manufacturing of dyes, pharmaceuticals, polymers and other organic synthesis. The aim of present study was to evaluate the impact of biofield treatment on physical, thermal, and spectroscopic properties of p-dichlorobenzene. The p-dichlorobenzene sample was divided into two groups that served as treated and control. The treated group received Mr. Trivedi’s biofield treatment. Subsequently the control and treated samples were evaluated using X-ray diffraction (XRD), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and UV-Vis spectroscopy. XRD result showed an increase in crystallite size (4.93%) along with alteration in peak intensity of treated sample as compared to control. Furthermore, DSC analysis results showed that the latent heat of fusion of treated p-dichlorobenzene was considerably reduced by 8.66% as compared to control. The reduction in melting point of treated sample (54.99°C) was also observed as compared to control (57.01°C) p-dichlorobenzene. Moreover, TGA/DTG studies showed that Tmax (temperature, at which sample lost maximum of its weight) was increased by 6.26% and weight loss per degree celsius (°C) was decreased by 12.77% in biofield treated p-dichlorobenzene as compared to control sample. It indicates that thermal stability of treated p-dichlorobenzene sample might increase as compared to control sample. However, no change was found in UV-Vis spectroscopic character of treated p-dichlorobenzene as compared to control. These findings suggest that biofield treatment has significantly altered the physical and thermal properties of p-dichlorobenzene, which could make it more useful as a chemical intermediate.


This work was evaluated to see the influence of biofield treatment on physical, thermal, and spectroscopic properties of p-DCB. XRD result showed that crystallite size was increased by 4.93% in biofield treated p-DCB as compared to control, which might be due to decreasing nucleus densities caused by biofield treatment. The alteration in crystallite size might affect the rate of chemical reaction of p-DCB and make it more useful as an intermediate compound. Thermal analysis data revealed that latent heat of fusion was reduced by 8.66% in treated p-DCB as compared to control and melting point was reduced by 3.54%. TGA/DTG studies showed that Tmax was increased by 6.26% and weight loss per degree celsius (°C) was decreased by 12.77% in biofield treated p-DCB as compared to control sample. Hence, it was hypothesized that overall thermal stability of treated p-DCB sample increased which could be related to its stability at high temperature and reducing the risk of health hazards associated with products released after vaporization. Therefore, it is assumed that biofield treatment might alter the physical and thermal properties of p-DCB that may be helpful to use it more effectively as an intermediate in the production of various pharmaceutical products.