Materials Science

Impact of Biofield Treatment on Spectroscopic and Physicochemical Properties of p-Nitroaniline

Written by Trivedi Effect | Sep 25, 2015 4:00:00 AM

Journal: Insights in Analytical Electrochemistry PDF  

Published: 25-Sep-15 Volume: 1 Issue: 1

DOI: 10.21767/2470-9867.100002 ISSN: 2470-9867

Authors: Mahendra Kumar Trivedi, Alice Branton, Dahryn Trivedi, Gopal Nayak, Khemraj Bairwa, Snehasis Jana

Citation: Trivedi MK, Branton A, Trivedi D, et al. Impact of Biofield Treatment on Spectroscopic and Physicochemical Properties of p-Nitroaniline. Insights Anal Electrochem. 2015, 1:1


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Para nitroaniline (p-Nitroaniline) is an organic compound, used as an intermediate in the synthesis of pharmaceuticals drugs, gasoline and dyes. The present study was attempted to investigate the influence of biofield treatment on p-nitroaniline. The study was performed in two groups i.e., control and treatment. The treatment group was subjected to Mr. Trivedi’s biofield treatment. The control and treated samples of p-nitroaniline were characterized using Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy, Ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) spectroscopy, high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). FT-IR spectral analysis result suggested the alteration in wavenumber of some groups with respect to control. For instance, the C=C and C-C stretching were observed at 1570 cm-1 and 1430 cm-1, respectively in control sample that were shifted to 1585 cm-1 and 1445 cm-1, respectively after biofield treatment. UV spectral analysis revealed the similar pattern of absorbance maxima (?max) in both control and treated samples. HPLC data showed an alteration in the retention time of p-nitroaniline peak in treated sample (3.25 min) with respect to control (2.75 min). GC-MS results showed a significant change in the isotopic abundance (?) of 13C and 18O in treated sample as compared to control. DSC data showed that latent heat of fusion (?H) of treated p-nitroaniline was substantially decreased by 10.66% as compared to control. However, the melting point remained same in both control and treated sample of p-nitroaniline. Overall, results obtained from different analytical techniques such as FT-IR, HPLC, GC-MS, and DSC suggested that biofield treatment has significant impact on spectral, physical and thermal properties of p-nitroaniline with respect to control sample.


FT-IR spectrum of treated p-nitroaniline showed the alteration in wavenumber of IR peaks assigned to N-H, C=C, C-C stretching, and C-H deformation vibrations. This is might be occurred due to alteration in the dipole moment and force constant of the respective bond in treated sample as compared to the control. HPLC chromatogram showed an alteration in the retention time of p-nitroaniline peak with respect to control, which is possibly due to alteration in the polarity of treated sample as compared to the control. The GC-MS analysis showed that isotopic abundance of 13C (?13C) was altered about -23.33, -63.31, and 30.15‰ in T1, T2, and T3, respectively; whereas. The ?18O was altered about -8.22, -56.54, and -44.43‰ in T1, T2, and T3, respectively. This might be occurred due to the biofield energy mediated changes at nuclear level reaction in the treated sample. The DSC analysis showed the considerable change (10.66%) in latent heat of fusion in treated sample as compared to control. It may be due to transformation of p-nitroaniline to lower energy state after biofield treatment. Altogether, the FT-IR, HPLC, GC-MS and DSC results suggest that biofield treatment has significant effect on structural, physical and thermal properties of biofield treated p-nitroaniline with respect to control sample. This might be corroborated to possible changes in chemical and thermal stability of treated p-nitroaniline.