Materials Science

Evaluation of Isotopic Abundance Ratio in Biofield Energy Treated Nitrophenol Derivatives Using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry

Written by Trivedi Effect | May 16, 2016 4:00:00 AM

Journal: American Journal of Chemical Engineering PDF  

Published: 16-May-16 Volume: 4 Issue: 3 Pages: 68-77

DOI: 10.11648/j.ajche.20160403.11 ISSN: 2330-8605 (Print) 2330-8613 (Online)

Authors: Mahendra Kumar Trivedi, Alice Branton, Dahryn Trivedi, Gopal Nayak, Kalyan Kumar Sethi, Snehasis Jana, 

Citation: Mahendra Kumar Trivedi, Alice Branton, Dahryn Trivedi, Gopal Nayak, Kalyan Kumar Sethi, Snehasis Jana. Evaluation of Isotopic Abundance Ratio in Biofield Energy Treated Nitrophenol Derivatives Using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry. American Journal of Chemical Engineering. Vol. 4, No. 3, 2016, pp. 68-77. doi: 10.11648/j.ajche.20160403.11


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Nitrophenols are the synthetic organic chemicals used for the preparation of synthetic intermediates, organophosphorus pesticides, and pharmaceuticals. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of biofield energy treatment on the isotopic abundance ratios of PM+1/PM, and PM+2/PM in o– and m-nitrophenol using the gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The o– and m-nitrophenol were divided into two parts – one part was control sample, and another part was considered as biofield energy treated sample, which received Mr. Trivedi’s biofield energy treatment (The Trivedi Effect®). The biofield energy treated nitrophenols having analyzed at different time intervals were designated as T1, T2, T3, and T4. The GC-MS analysis of both the control and biofield treated samples indicated the presence of the parent molecular ion peak of o– and m-nitrophenol (C6H5NO3+) at m/z 139 along with major fragmentation peaks at m/z 122, 109, 93, 81, 65, and 39. The relative peak intensities of the fragmented ions in the biofield treated o– and m-nitrophenol were notably changed as compared to the control sample with respect to the time. The isotopic abundance ratio analysis using GC-MS revealed that the isotopic abundance ratio of PM+1/PM in the biofield energy treated o-nitrophenol at T2 and T3 was significantly increased by 14.48 and 86.49%, respectively as compared to the control sample. Consequently, the isotopic abundance ratio of PM+2/PM in the biofield energy treated sample at T2 and T3 was increased by 11.36, and 82.95%, respectively as compared to the control sample. Similarly, in m-nitrophenol, the isotopic abundance ratio of PM+1/PM in the biofield energy treated sample at T1, T3, and T4 was increased by 5.82, 5.09, and 6.40%, respectively as compared to the control sample. Subsequently, the isotopic abundance ratio of PM+2/PM at T1, T2, T3 and T4 in the biofield energy treated m-nitrophenol was increased by 6.33, 3.80, 16.46, and 16.46%, respectively as compared to the control sample. Overall, the isotopic abundance ratios of PM+1/PM(2H/1H or 13C/12C or 15N/14N or 17O/16O), and PM+2/PM(18O/16O) were altered in the biofield energy treated o– and m-nitrophenol as compared to the control increased in most of the cases. The biofield treated o– and m-nitrophenol that have improved isotopic abundance ratios might have altered the physicochemical properties and could be useful in pharmaceutical and chemical industries as an intermediate in the manufacturing of pharmaceuticals and other useful chemicals for the industrial application.


The current study concluded that the biofield energy treatment has a remarkable ability for altering the isotopic abundance ratios in o- and m-nitrophenol. The gas chromatography-mass spectrometric (GC-MS) analysis of the both control and biofield energy treated samples indicated the presence of the molecular ion peak at m/z 139 (calculated 139.03 for C6H5NO3+) along with major fragmented peaks at m/z 122, 109, 93, 81, 65, and 39. Only, the relative peak intensities of the fragmented ions in the biofield treated samples were altered from the control samples. The isotopic abundance ratio of biofield energy treated o-nitrophenol exhibited that the isotopic abundance ratio of PM+1/PM at the T2 and T3 was significantly increased by 14.48 and 86.49%, respectively as compared to the control sample. Subsequently, the isotopic abundance ratio of PM+2/PM in biofield energy treated o-nitrophenol at T2 and T3 was increased by 11.36 and 82.95%, respectively as compared to the control sample. Similarly, the isotopic abundance ratio of biofield treated m-nitrophenol revealed the isotopic abundance ratio of PM+1/PM at T1, T3, and T4 was increased by 5.82, 5.09, and 6.40%, respectively as compared to the control sample. The isotopic abundance ratio of PM+2/PM in the biofield energy treated m-nitrophenol at T1, T2, T3 and T4 was increased by 6.33, 3.80, 16.46, and 16.46%, respectively in comparison to the control sample. It was observed that the isotopic abundance ratios of PM+1/PM and PM+2/PM in the biofield treated samples were altered with respect to the time. The biofield energy treated o- and m-nitrophenol had increased isotopic abundance ratio, it might have altered the physicochemical, thermal properties, and could be more advantageous in pharmaceutical and chemical industries as intermediates during the preparation of the fine finished product.