Materials Science

Assessment of Physicochemical and Thermal Properties of Energy of Consciousness Healing Treated Ferrous Sulphate Using PXRD, PSD, DSC, and TGA/DTG Analysis

Written by Trivedi Effect | Jul 14, 2017 4:00:00 AM

Journal: Modern Chemistry PDF  Web

Published: 14-Jul-17 Volume: 5 Issue: 4 Pages: 50-59

DOI: 10.11648/ ISSN: 2329-1818 (Print); 2329-180X (Online)

Authors: Alice Branton, Snehasis Jana

Citation: Alice Branton, Snehasis Jana, Assessment of Physicochemical and Thermal Properties of Energy of Consciousness Healing Treated Ferrous Sulphate Using PXRD, PSD, DSC, and TGA/DTG Analysis, Modern Chemistry. Vol. 5, No. 4, 2017, pp. 50-59. doi: 10.11648/


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Ferrous sulphate is an inorganic salt of iron used to treat iron deficiency anaemia and maintain the overall health in our body. The current study was designed to evaluate the impact of The Trivedi Effect®-Energy of Consciousness Healing Treatment on the physicochemical and thermal properties of ferrous sulphate using PXRD, PSA, DSC, and TGA/DTG analysis. Ferrous sulphate test item was divided into two parts, one part was considered as control (without Biofield Energy Treatment), whereas the second part received The Trivedi Effect®-Biofield Energy Treatment remotely by the renowned Biofield Energy Healer, Alice Branton. The PXRD data revealed that the relative intensities and crystallite size of the characteristic diffraction peaks in the treated sample were significantly altered from -26.74% to 421.23% and from -24.93% to 42.91%, respectively compared with the control sample. The average crystallite size of the treated sample was significantly increased by 6.39% compared to the control sample. The particle size values at d10, d50, d90 and D(4, 3) values were significantly increased by 30.43%, 35.94%, 19.49%, and 26.26%, respectively and the surface area was significantly decreased by 53.26% compared with the control sample. The melting temperature of the treated sample in the 1st and 3rd peaks was increased by 1.61% and 1.04% respectively, whereas decreased by 5.71% and 1.04% in the 2nd and 4th peaks, respectively compared with the control sample. Consequently, the total latent heat of fusion to transition from FeSO4•7H2O to FeSO4 was decreased by 0.44% in the treated sample compared with the control sample. The TGA thermograms of both the samples exhibited four steps of thermal degradation. The total weight loss in the treated sample was increased by 0.62% compared with the control sample. The maximum thermal decomposition temperature (Tmax) of treated sample was increased by 5.81% and 0.26% in the 1st and 4th peak respectively, but the Tmax of 2nd and 3rd peaks were decreased by 2.58% and 2.38%, respectively compared to the control sample. Overall, DSC and TGA/DTG of the treated sample showed that the thermal stability was changed compared with the control sample. The Trivedi Effect®-Consciousness Energy Healing Treatment might lead to the production of a polymorphic form of ferrous sulphate, which would have better powder flowability and appearance with altered thermal stability compared to the control sample. Alice’s Biofield Energy Treated ferrous sulphate would be useful to design better nutraceutical/pharmaceutical formulations, which could provide better therapeutic response against iron deficiency anaemia.


The Trivedi Effect® - Energy of Consciousness Healing Treatment has shown the significant impact on the relative intensity and crystallite size of the diffraction peaks, particle size, surface area, and thermal properties of ferrous sulphate. The PXRD diffractograms of both the sample showed sharp and intense peaks indicated that the ferrous sulphate was crystalline in nature. The relative intensities and crystallite size of the characteristic diffraction peaks in the Biofield Energy Treated sample were significantly altered in the range from - 26.74% to 421.23% and from -24.93% to 42.91%, respectively compared with the control sample. The average crystallite size of the Biofield Energy Treated sample was significantly increased by 6.39% compared with the control sample. The particle size values at d10, d50, d90 and D(4, 3) values were significantly increased by 30.43%, 35.94%, 19.49%, and 26.26%, respectively and the surface area was significantly decreased by 53.26% compared with the control sample. The melting temperature of the Biofield Energy Treated sample in the 1st and 3rd peaks was increased by 1.61% and 1.04% respectively; whereas decreased by 5.71% and 1.04% in the 2nd and 4th peaks, respectively compared with the control sample. Similarly, the latent heat of fusion (?H) of 1st and 3rd peaks in the Biofield Energy Treated ferrous sulphate was significantly increased by 9.98% and 5.32% respectively; whereas ?H of the 2nd and 4th peak was decreased by 15.46% and 6.10%, respectively compared with the control sample. The TGA thermograms of both the samples exhibited four steps of thermal degradation. The total weight loss in the Biofield Energy Treated ferrous sulphate was enhanced by 0.62% compared with the control sample. The maximum thermal decomposition temperature (Tmax) of the Biofield Energy Treated ferrous sulphate was increased by 5.81% and 0.26% in the 1st and 4th peak respectively, but the Tmax of 2nd and 3rd peaks were reduced by 2.58% and 2.38%, respectively compared to the control sample. Overall, DSC and TGA/DTG of the treated sample showed that the thermodynamic stability was changed compared with the control sample. These results suggested that The Trivedi Effect® - Consciousness Energy Healing Treatment might lead to the production of a polymorphic form of ferrous sulphate, which would provide better powder flowability and appearance having altered thermal stability compared with the control sample. The Alice’s Biofield Energy Treated ferrous sulphate would be beneficial to design better nutraceutical and/or pharmaceutical formulations which might offer better therapeutic response against iron deficiency anemia.