Life Sciences

Physicochemical Evaluation of Biofield Treated Peptone And Malmgren Modified Terrestrial Orchid Medium

Written by Trivedi Effect | Dec 21, 2015 5:00:00 AM

Journal: American Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering PDF  

Published: 21-Dec-15 Volume: 3 Issue: 6 Pages: 169-177

DOI: 10.11648/ ISSN: 2328-5885 (Print) 2328-5893 (Online)

Authors: Mahendra Kumar Trivedi, Alice Branton, Dahryn Trivedi, Gopal Nayak, Rakesh Kumar Mishra, Snehasis Jana

Citation: Mahendra Kumar Trivedi, Alice Branton, Dahryn Trivedi, Gopal Nayak, Rakesh Kumar Mishra, Snehasis Jana. Physicochemical Evaluation of Biofield Treated Peptone and Malmgren Modified Terrestrial Orchid Medium. American Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering. Vol. 3, No. 6, 2015, pp. 169-177. doi: 10.11648/


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Peptone and Malmgren modified terrestrial orchid (MMTO) has been used as a growth medium for tissue culture applications. This research study was conducted to explore the influence of Mr. Trivedi’s biofield energy treatment on physicochemical properties of peptone and MMTO. The study was performed in two groups i.e. control and treated. The control group was kept aside as untreated, and the treated group was received the biofield energy treatment. The control and treated samples were further subjected to characterization by X-ray diffraction (XRD), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy, particle size analyzer and surface area analyzer. The XRD analysis revealed the amorphous nature of the control and treated peptone samples. The DSC analysis showed an increase in thermal denaturation temperature of the treated peptone (196.22°C) as compared to the control sample (141.20°C). Additionally, the exothermic peak of treated sample (280°C) was increased as compared to the control (270°C). The DSC of control and treated MMTO showed the absence of the melting temperature in their respective DSC thermograms. The TGA analysis of the treated peptone showed an increase in onset of thermal degradation (172°C) with respect to the control (170°C). Nevertheless, the TGA thermogram of the treated MMTO (293.96°C) showed an increase in maximum thermal degradation temperature (Tmax) as compared with the control (281.41°C). It indicated the good thermal stability of the treated peptone and MMTO samples. The FT-IR result of the treated peptone showed an upward shift in C-H (2817→2833 cm-1), and amide I (1635→1641 cm-1), stretching in the treated sample with respect to the control sample. Whereas, the FT-IR spectrum of the treated MMTO showed an increase in the frequency of the C-H (2817→2833 cm-1) and amide I (1596→1606 cm-1) bands as compared to the control. Particle size analysis of the treated peptone showed an increase in d50 (average particle size) and d99 (size exhibited by 99% of particles) by 9.3 and 41.4%, respectively with respect to the control. Surface area analysis showed increase in surface area by 4.3% in the treated peptone. Altogether, the results corroborated that the biofield energy treatment had altered the physical, thermal and spectral properties of peptone and MMTO. It is assumed that biofield treated peptone and MMTO could be utilized as potential candidates for cell culture applications.


In summary, the results demonstrated the impact of Mr. Trivedi’s biofield energy treatment on physical, thermal and spectral properties of the peptone and MMTO. The XRD results of control and treated peptone showed the presence of both amorphous and semi-crystalline regions. Additionally, the intensity of few XRD peaks were increased might be due to tensile stress in the treated sample as compared to the control. The DSC studies on treated peptone showed an increase in thermal denaturation temperature of the sample which may be correlated to increase in the thermal stability. Additionally, the exothermic peak due to protein aggregation was increased in treated peptone (280°C) as compared to the control (270°C). TGA analysis supported the DSC observation as the onset of thermal degradation was increased in treated sample (172°C) with respect to the control (170°C). TGA analysis of MMTO showed an increase in Tmax of the treated sample that indicated the increase in the thermal stability after biofield treatment. The FT-IR spectroscopic analysis of the treated peptone showed an upward shift in frequency of C-H (2817→2833 cm-1), and amide I (1635→1641 cm-1) stretching as compared to the control. Similarly, the treated MMTO also showed increase in the frequency of C-H and amide-I bond that may be related to increase in bond force constant of the treated sample. Particle size analysis of the treated peptone showed an increase in d50 and d99 by 9.3% and 41.4%. Contrarily, the surface area of the treated peptone was also increased by 4.3%. The increase in thermal denaturation temperature and thermal stability of peptone, MMTO might improve its uses as a growth medium for tissue culture applications.