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Wound Healing Activity of Consciousness Energy Healing Treatmenton HFF-1 Cells and DMEM Using Scratch Assay

Written by Trivedi Effect | Dec 26, 2018 5:00:00 AM

Journal: Investigative Dermatology and Venereology Research PDF  Web

Published: December 26, 2018 Volume: 4 Issue: 1 Pages: 50-54

DOI: 10.15436/2381-0858.18.2036 ISSN: 2381-0858

Authors: Mahendra Kumar Trivedi, Alice Branton, Dahryn Trivedi, Gopal Nayak, Mayank Gangwar and Snehasis Jana

Citation: Trivedi, MK., et al. Wound Healing Activity of Consciousness Energy Healing Treatment on HFF-1 Cells and DMEM Using Scratch Assay (2018) Invest Demerol and Venereol Res 4(1): 50- 54.


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The wound healing activity using scratch assay is considered as a convenient in vitro tool for the assessment of wound healing. The present study deals with the optimization of Biofield Energy Treatment (Consciousness Energy Healing Treatment-The Trivedi Effect®) in the HFF-1 cell line (Human Foreskin Fibroblast) and DMEM (Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Medium) using scratch assay against positive control, recombinant Human Epidermal Growth Factor (Hu EGF, 30 ng/mL). This methodwas used for the determination of cell proliferation and migration of fibroblast quantitatively in the scratched wounded area. The scratched area was monitored after 24 hours of wound closure in the Biofield Energy Treated HFF-1 cells and the Biofield Energy Treated DMEM groups, and the representative photomicrographs were taken in each wells using WimScratch Image analysis software. The results showed that the Biofield Energy Treated DMEMwassignificantly higher percentage of fibroblast migration i.e. 51.8%, while the migration was altered in the Biofield Energy Treated HFF-1 cell line compared to the baseline control group. In addition to, the percentage of scratch area was significantly decreased by 2.7% in the Biofield Energy Treated DMEM group, while it was increased by 12% in the Biofield Treated cells group compared to the baseline control group. Overall, the experimental results concluded that The Trivedi Effect® has the significant capacity and wide implications in wound healing activity via cell culture media, DMEM as compared with the HFF-1 cell line directly. Biofield Energy Healing would be a complementary and alternative medicine that can be used against burn injury cases, acute wound, skin regeneration, eczema, diaper rash, chickenpox, measles, warts, acne, hives, wrinkles, ringworm, Rosacea, psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, skin cancer, etc


Based on the study outcomes, the Consciousness Energy Healing Treatment (The Trivedi Effect®) showed significant results in in vitro scratch assay for 24 hours study period. The results of cell migration showed 51.8 % increased rate in Biofield Energy Treated DMEM group and 64.3 % in the positive control (EGF), while cell migration was altered in the Biofield Treated cells. Similarly, the percentage scratch area was reduced by 2.7 % in the Biofield Energy Treated DMEM group, while it was increased by 12 % in the Biofield Energy Treated cells. This showed that Mr. Trivedi’s Biofield Energy Healing capacity has the potential to improve the wound healing rate in HFF-1 cells using DMEM. It can also be suggest that the cell migration rate and decreased scratch area in the Biofield Energy Treated DMEM would be due to an improved migration of either keratinocytes or fibroblasts that would improve the wound healing process.

Overall, the Biofield Energy Treated test formulation can be used as a Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) with a safe therapeutic index for various wound healing related disorders such as eczema, warts, acne, psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, skin cancer, rashes from bacterial or fungal infections, rashes from allergic reactions, raised bumps that are red or white, cracked skin, discolored patches of skin, fleshy bumps, warts, or other skin growths, changes in mole color or size, a loss of skin pigment, scaly or rough skin, peeling skin, ulcers, open sores or lesions, dry, excessive flushing. Overall, Biofield Energy Treatment as an alternate treatment approach that can likely be used and contribute to the wound healing in the prevention of temporary and permanent skin disorders, anti-aging, an improved overall health, and quality of life.