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Evaluation of Stress Biomarkers after Oral Administration of the Consciousness Energy Healing Treated Novel Herbomineral Formulation in Male Sprague Dawley Rats

Written by Trivedi Effect | Apr 15, 2019 4:00:00 AM

Journal: International Journal of Neurology and Brain Disorders PDF  Web

Published: April 15, 2019 Volume: 6 Issue: 1 Pages: 7-13

DOI: 10.15436/2377-1348.19.2447 ISSN: 2377-1348

Authors: Mahendra Kumar Trivedi, Alice Branton, Dahryn Trivedi, Gopal Nayak, Sambhu Charan Mondal

Citation: Trivedi, MK., et al. Evaluation of Stress Biomarkers after Oral Administration of the Consciousness Energy Healing Treated Novel Herbomineral Formulation in Male Sprague Dawley Rats. (2019) Int J Neurol Brain Dis 6(1): 7-13.


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The study aim was to investigate the anti-stress effect of Consciousness Energy Healing Treated test formulation using behavioral tests, hormonal levels and antioxidants in male Sprague Dawley rats. The test formulation was divided into two parts, one was represented as control, while the other was treated with Biofield Energy by Mr. Mahendra Kumar Trivedi (The Trivedi Effect® - Consciousness Energy Healing) and defined as the Biofield Energy Treated sample. OFT data showed the frequency of total square-cross was significantly (p ≤ 0.05) increased by 49.11% in the animals per se received Biofield Energy Treatment (-15 days) (G6) compared to stress control (G2). Freezing time was significantly (p ≤ 0.01) reduced by 21.48%, 43.79%, 42.79%, 44.79%, and 58.21% in the Biofield Energy Treated test formulation (G5), G6, Biofield Energy Treated test formulation (-15 days) (G7), Biofield Energy Treated animals with Biofield Energy Treated test formulation (-15 days) (G8) and Biofield Energy Treatment per se to animals plus untreated test formulation (G9), respectively compared to G2. Defecation was significantly (p ≤ 0.05) decreased by 92.01% in the G8 compared to G2. Urination was significantly reduced by 53.19% and 46.81% in the G8 and G9, respectively compared to G2. FST showed the number of climbing was significantly (p ≤ 0.05) increased by 37.5%, 70.83%, 50%, 102.17%, and 68.83% in the G5, G6, G7, G8, and G9, respectively compared to G2. Swimming time was significantly (p ≤ 0.05) increased by 30.09%, 70%, 17.66%, 83%, and 100% in the G5, G6, G7, G8, and G9, respectively compared to G2. The resting time was significantly (p ≤ 0.05) decreased by 21.54%, 50%, 55%, and 63% in the G5, G6, G8, and G9, respectively compared to G2. Corticosterone was significantly decreased by 29%, 26%, 31%, and 36% in the G5, G6, G8, and G9, respectively compared to G2. Testosterone was significantly increased by 275% (p ≤ 0.05), 83%, 70%, 181%, and 164% in the G5, G6, G7, G8, and G9, respectively compared to G2. SOD was significantly (p ≤ 0.001) increased by 15%, 53%, 57%, 61%, and 58% in the G5, G6, G7, G8, and G9, respectively compared to G2. Further, CAT was significantly increased by 19% and 14% in the G5 and G6, respectively compared to G2. Overall, data suggest that Biofield Energy Treatment per se and Biofield Energy Treated test formulation have significant anti-stress activity and could be utilized in various stress related disorders like asthma, obesity, diabetes, headaches, depression and anxiety, gastrointestinal problems, Alzheimer’s disease, accelerated aging, and premature death.


The current study findings suggest that the total square cross was significantly (p ≤ 0.05) increased by 49.11% in the animals per se received Biofield Energy Treatment (-15 days) (G6) group compared to G2 group. Freezing time was significantly (p ≤ 0.01) reduced by 21.48%, 43.79%, 42.79%, 44.79%, and 58.21% in the Biofield Energy Treated test formulation (G5), G6, Biofield Energy Treated test formulation (-15 days) (G7), G8, and Biofield Energy Treatment per se to animals plus untreated test formulation group (G9), respectively compared to the G2 group. Further, defecation was significantly decreased by 15.97%, 15.97%, 12.14%, 92.01% (p ≤ 0.05) and 20.13% in the G5, G6, G7, G8, and G9, respectively compared to G2 group. Urination was significantly reduced by 6.91%, 53.19%, and 46.81% in the G7, G8, and G9, respectively compared to the G2 group. Active performance of rat (number of climbing of FST model) was significantly (p ≤ 0.05) increased by 37.5%, 70.83%, 50%, 102.17%, and 68.83% in the G5, G6, G7, G8, and G9, respectively compared to the stress control (G2) group. Swimming time of animals in FST model significantly (p ≤ 0.05) increased by 30.09%, 70%, 17.66%, 83%, and 100% in the G5, G6, G7, G8, and G9, respectively compared to the G2 group. Resting time of animals in FST model significantly (p ≤ 0.05) decreased by 21.54%, 50%, 11.48%, 55%, and 63% in the G5, G6, G7, G8, and G9, respectively compared to the G2 group. Stress hormone (corticosterone) was significantly decreased by 29%, 26%, 31%, and 36% in the G5, G6, G8, and G9, respectively compared to the G2 group. Testosterone was significantly increased by 275% (p ≤ 0.05), 83%, 70%, 181%, and 164% in the G5, G6, G7, G8, and G9, respectively compared to the G2 group. SOD was significantly (p ≤ 0.001) increased by 15%, 53%, 57%, 61%, and 58% in the G5, G6, G7, G8, and G9, respectively compared to the G2 group. Further, CAT was significantly increased by 19% and 14% in the G5 and G6, respectively compared to the G2 group. Therefore, it is assumed that the Biofield Energy Treated herbomineral test formulation could be more useful in various stress related disorders like asthma, obesity, diabetes, headaches, depression and anxiety, gastrointestinal problems, alzheimer’s disease, accelerated aging, and premature death.