Enlightenment is Mandatory to Bless & Transform

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Freedom is a word that we all know, but what does it really mean?

Freedom is the ability to make choices and take action without any constraints. Freedom is being able to live in alignment with your true nature and express yourself authentically. Freedom is being able to see the world clearly, without being clouded by trauma, fear or doubt, or being held captive by the slavery of our own thoughts and minds.

Freedom means having control over our lives instead of letting others control us. It means having purpose in life instead of feeling lost and aimless.

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The urge for freedom is a vital component of every being’s existence. It is the drive behind social movements, spirituality, the new age movement, the wellness industry, personal development and self-help. It compels people to seek partners, leave relationships, experiment with drugs and procrastinate. It is the drive behind all ambition and fights for liberty and justice. Most importantly, there is a part of us that longs for it, seeking to realize dreams and desires, or to control our experiences in life by attracting certain experiences while limiting or avoiding others.

It's why we dream of changing the world, and why we spend so much time thinking about what could be instead of focusing on what is.

Ultimately, with freedom comes a feeling; it's an experience. It's a state of being that every person on this planet longs for and strives to achieve—and sometimes we need help getting there.

While nice in theory, freedom is a long-standing and arduous path that often times manifests in our lives more as an ideology than as a reality. So many thought leaders, gurus, personal development leaders, spiritual teachers, life coaches, healers and anybody with access to a website and a camera all make big claims about achieving high aspirations, personal mastery, success, happiness and wellness. Unfortunately, these claims lack the foundational support in science, and focus on training to influence behavior instead of addressing the one factor that is capable of not only altering our behavior, but also in changing our very character, perception, reality and experience of life itself.

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But freedom doesn't come from fighting against things or rearranging our circumstances. It comes from within, from the realization that we are not our thoughts or emotions or circumstances—we are consciousness itself. It is only through raising consciousness that we can actualize true freedom in our lives.

Consciousness has an intrinsic nature that seeks freedom above all else; in its search for freedom and release from bondage, it will organize, assimilate and rearrange every aspect of our lives to align with this realization. This is the nature of consciousness; it is the basic character of consciousness to seek freedom..

We are not meant to be slaves. We are meant to be free beings. We are meant to feel good – which is why we all so desperately look for ways and methods of achieving this feeling. When consciousness is able to move freely in the world, it brings forth experiences of incredible peace, happiness, prosperity, health, wellness and incomprehensible bliss.

Peace, happiness and prosperity are our true nature. Since the very nature of consciousness is freedom, the journey of consciousness will instill these qualities into your life because peace, happiness and prosperity are all qualities that promote freedom in living – to be free from the slavery of our own thoughts and minds, to be free from the burden of limited resources and destitution, to be free from emotional burden, and to be free from limitation.






Freedom Through Divine Connection

Through Divine Connection, we are able to attain higher levels of consciousness, which brings about higher levels of awareness and possibility. When we evolve in our journey of self-realization and self-discovery, consciousness realizes its true nature and begins to organize and rearrange every aspect of our lives to align with this realization. We feel happier, healthier and more prosperous; we attract people who love us for who we really are; we experience inexplicable bliss; we realize our dreams and ambitions; and connect with the beauty of life in profound ways not even thought possible to us from a lower level of consciousness. We have the newfound ability to define ourselves and our lives in ways that resonate with what true happiness is for us.

Freedom is a basic human desire—
it's what makes us human.

Sometimes it’s difficult for us to take this journey without a bit of outside help.  And more importantly, it is a thousand times more difficult to take this journey if we don’t even know what’s possible.

With over 6,000 science experiments, over 650 peer-reviewed science studies, and several clinical trials, all available in over 2,000 universities throughout the world and a unified, shared experience of over 300,000 people, one thing is for certain:

Freedom is available here.

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What is Preventing Us from Being Free Right Now?

The laws of nature refer to the uniformities or regularities that exist within the world and universe. They are statements that define how the world is – the principles and fundamentals that operate, control, govern and regulate our world. These principles govern the natural phenomena of the world, and all it encompasses. Or, we can say, everything that exists within the world and universe are subject to and obey these natural laws. This means these laws cannot be broken; rather, it is impossible to break them. Examples of this is the fact that water will always boil at a specific temperature, or that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, but rather converted from one form to another.

What does this mean for us? The laws of nature are also bound to us, as human beings with lives, relationships, jobs, thoughts and feelings. These are all aspects of our lives bestowed upon us through the power of nature: the chemicals and neurotransmitters in our brains, our hormones, the nutrition available from the food we eat, the air we breathe, the people we meet – all of them exist within and were created by the natural universe to create and control existence. Without this control, our world would be thrown into chaos and disarray and would be an aimless existence in which there is no correlation, balance or purpose. The very existence of life requires a law behind it.

In the same way that the laws of nature uphold our natural existence and experience of life, these natural laws also limit what can happen – they determine how much life can or cannot deviate from the pre-destined path established by nature. A law of nature makes it so that gold cannot rust – while we see the benefit behind this phenomenon, we must also recognize that a limitation exists here as well. The inability for gold to rust is a limitation on what gold can and cannot do.

The same applies to our lives, our circumstances, our relationships, our jobs, our finances, our health, our thoughts, our perceptxions and our feelings. Since we are products of nature – mentally, physically and emotionally – all the components and aspects of our lives and our totalities are programs designed and set in place by nature. In order to change these programs, we must be able to change the laws of nature that create and sustain our very existence.

What is behind these laws that define existence and experience?

This is consciousness; the information within the atom that orders the atom to bind, combine and form with other atoms to create all living and nonliving things. It is what makes atoms combine to form a rock versus a tree; the program that makes water wet; the design that decides and regulates the lives, potentiality and possibility of all living and nonliving things. This information is what science calls the fifth state of matter; that which gives all of life and matter its form, structure and function – the inherent blueprint that determines and designs all of life as we know it.

Now, understanding that consciousness is the supreme authority that creates our natural world and sets everything into motion, we can understand that consciousness is what ultimately designs the laws of nature. In other words, nature has consciousness, and all consciousness that exists within the realm of nature must follow and abide by this consciousness.

Considering we all abide by the laws of nature, and require these laws to sustain and preserve our existence, we understand that nature has a vital and inseparable influence over our own lives.

Therefore, we can reasonably conclude that the consciousness of nature is higher than ours. 

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One natural law is that energy only flows from a higher dimension to a lower dimension, and not the other way around. Given the existence of this natural law, this also means that anyone operating within the consciousness of nature has a consciousness lower than that of nature, and thus has no ability or right to change or bend these laws to fit their beliefs, wants or desires.

Many religious leaders, spiritual masters, transformation leaders, personal development coaches and healers claim to bless, heal or transform through the power of ritual, dogma or other behavior-based methods. They claim to be able to transform lives, optimize human potential, and alter destiny, fate and fortune. However, if the consciousness of these leaders, masters and healers is lower than that of the consciousness of nature, then their rituals, tricks, methods, blessings and healings would have absolutely no impact except a temporary psychological effect. Their methods would not hold in a scientific laboratory, under controlled and measurable conditions. No amount of cold showers, lemon water, neurolinguistic programming, prayer, motivational speeches or training can supersede this prerequisite and have a substantial or lasting impact to completely renovate and transform our lives for the better.

So what does this mean for us? Are we bound to our current lives and circumstances?
Is freedom a fool’s dream? An impossible ideology?


A true conduit of Divine Grace must have a consciousness that exceeds the consciousness of nature. In doing so, their consciousness would have the power to affect and impact the natural world, having regulatory power over the influence of nature and its control over our lives. To have a consciousness that exceeds the consciousness of nature means this being must not only be able to control the wellbeing, lives, destinies, fate and fortune of others, but must also have influence over all living organisms and nonliving materials. They must be able to create new atoms and materials that have never existed before. Most of all, their abilities will not be limited to the persuasion of faith or human psychology – they will be able to objectively demonstrate, test, measure and validate their healing or blessing abilities in a science laboratory, under controlled settings, using the most sophisticated technology available to science.

The path to personal development is not about assimilating a new ideology, philosophy or theory and adopting new habits, tricks, methodologies and techniques, contrary to what so many people in the personal success and development industry want you to believe.  If it was as simple as this, everyone would be happy and successful.

True personal success, development and self-discovery is an actual change in the way consciousness flows through, within and around you.

It is not an approach on how to live, but rather a catalyst that actually changes your experience of life itself, in which new habits, patterns, perceptions and relationships modify to match with your new state of being. 

Through our journey towards higher consciousness and our spiritual evolution toward Enlightenment, the expansions of our mind are broadened to withhold the infinite awareness of Divine Consciousness and wisdom, facilitating rapid growth, connection and development in all areas of our lives. This will result in a change in reality and experience of the world in such a way, that life will never be the same – and it’s scientifically and clinically proven to work.

When a soul builds up a Divine path through higher consciousness, their love and compassion for others will also be sent back along the same path. This path is the bridge that allows an Enlightened Being to harness Divine Grace and connect others to higher states of being, providing them with the power to grow in awareness and evolve into higher levels of consciousness. And when we do that—when we evolve our consciousness—we unleash a tremendous amount of freedom, prosperity, wellbeing and happiness into our lives.

The path to Enlightenment is a journey of the heart, and each of us has an innate connection to the Divine. Through an evolution of consciousness, we are able to connect with our inner selves and find the peace that is at the heart of all experience and enjoy the ambition that moves all of humankind – a life of freedom and happiness.

A life of bliss.

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