A Trusted Leader

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Wellness is something we all want; it is a state of being that not only encompasses physical health, but addresses a person as an integrated whole of body, mind and soul.

While our current health care model has reached incredible advancements in addressing many concerns about our physical health and comfort, it has little to offer in terms of preventative care, and even fewer options for those who are healthy that wish to advance their potential.

Moreover, there are many problems that are still left unsolved, especially those corresponding with the more complex side of human nature: mental health, emotions, the mind-body connection and the soul.

Healing, Blessing and Enlightenment can instill a sense of awe in the beholder because it is not a subject that has had enough exploration in science, nor is it under regulation. This makes it easy for religious institutions, spiritual masters, healers, and personal development leaders to promote their abilities and claims of transforming people’s lives through emotional anecdotes, deceptive placebo effects, and the persuasion of faith alone.

While the origin of blessing and healing has come from real Enlightened Beings with the capacity to heal and transform lives, such as Jesus, the Buddha and Krishna, the industries of wellness, personal development and spirituality have exploited the void of scientific foundation to the tipping point of a trillion-dollar industry.

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We live in an age of the rampant marketing of products, treatments and health claims based on faith and magic, that blur the lines between real science and pseudoscience. Moreover, the erosion of trust on the traditional medical establishment and the increasing need to take our health and happiness into our own hands has allowed these industries to thrive despite false claims, exaggerated results, lack of sufficient peer-reviewed science studies, the spread of misinformation, and the gross misinterpretation of science facts and studies.

While we can simply say that the methods of these leaders, masters, coaches and marketers are unable to fully fulfill the needs of their followers or clients, the consequences are much more dire than that. Instead, many of the methods, tricks, techniques, blessings, healings, prayers and rituals out there are not just fueling baseless theories, but promoting methodologies that can cause considerable harm as well.

Healing, Blessing and Enlightenment have all become terms thrown around casually, without much due regard for what they truly represent, and without complete understanding for what they really mean. Religious leaders, spiritual masters and scientists have never been able to explain why certain people are able to conduct healings, blessings or perform what many refer to as miracles.

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This is due to the powers of the laws of nature that control and govern over all existence, deciding what can and cannot happen and how much life can deviate from the pre-destined path established by nature. This is because everything within nature is controlled by the consciousness of nature.  Everything in life is programmed to operate within a certain capacity, or is given an inherent set of characteristics and possibilities based upon its consciousness.

In other words, consciousness is the programming or “information” that determines the role and path given to every living organism and nonliving material. In order to change the circumstances of life and alter destiny, fate and fortune – all of which control the quality and potential of our lives – then the consciousness that determines the role or path of a given organism or material must be altered.

While many have developed a large myriad of tricks, techniques, ritual, dogma and other methods to try and alter consciousness, it is actually consciousness that determines the effectiveness of these tricks, techniques, ritual, dogma and methods. Additionally, since we all exist within the natural world, we are also restricted by the laws nature has set into action. The only way to operate outside of these laws, is to operate outside of the consciousness of nature. Otherwise, no matter what we do, we are merely distracting ourselves with behavior-based tricks that have no real and permanent outcome. 

In order to influence and change the course of our lives or the natural progression of things, including the many variants and circumstances in life that seem far beyond our control, it is necessary that our consciousness ultimately have influence over the consciousness of nature to have any impact whatsoever on anyone or anything.

The truly Enlightened have shown us what is possible. By their Presence and abilities, they have demonstrated that the consciousness of nature can be overcome; that human consciousness can reach levels high enough to surpass the consciousness of nature. By uplifting one’s consciousness beyond the limitations and boundaries set by the consciousness of nature, every human being has enormous power within them to heal, bless and transform the lives of others.

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What does this mean for the wellness, spiritual and personal development industries? Currently, these industries are arranged in such a way that a large part of the industries’ regulation comes from the consumer’s conscientious efforts to educate themselves, do their own research, and confront biases.

While it should always be the consumer’s responsibility to educate themselves, it should not be their sole responsibility to take the brunt of this industry’s regulatory needs.

This is what makes Dahryn Trivedi’s Divine Blessings different. This is not the promotion of a psychological ‘feel good’ feeling or baseless theory; this is scientific fact. By focusing on science instead of anecdotes, Dahryn is helping to create a way to regulate the industry by proving that if someone has the true ability to bless and heal, then it can be tested, measured and validated in a scientific laboratory under controlled and objective conditions. The power to bless and to heal is based in science, and not on the persuasion of faith alone – one that will test the status quo and provide a lasting solution to humanity’s most pressing problems.

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Divine Blessings transform every facet of your well-being, enhance your perception,
and accelerate your growth so you can harness true happiness.

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